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Quickie: Schedule reboot of ES3528_52M

If I read manual, I would save a lot of time and trouble. EdgeCore ES3528_52M switches have ability to schedule reboot in exact date and time (assuming you have correctly synchronized time via NTP). Strongly useful for software upgrades.

Quickie: Delete unused files on ES3528_52M

In our network we have deployed dozens of EdgeCore ES3528M/ES3552M switches. However, after frequent upgrades and configuration changes, often happens that old config files, opcodes, boot-roms will remain int the flash memory and are no longer needed. Fortunately, since opcode version there is command available which deletes all inactive …

IMQ and ESFQ for Debian Squeeze

IMQ and ESFQ are very interesting and very important parts of kernel if you take traffic shaping on Linux seriously. Unfortunately, you cannot find them in distribution packages, therefore you need to get them in through patching the kernel. It’s not that hard or time-demanding, but recently I reinstalled one …

Ako sme prežili World IPv6 day

Priznám sa, že som sa na Wolrd IPv6 day tešil. A tiež sa priznám že som zábudlivý prokrastinátor, takže som sa “zobačil” až v predvečer tohto veľkého dňa. Naštastie, od upstream providera sme mali už určitý čas naroutovanú natívnu IPv6 konektivitu a na niektorých VLAN už IPv6 traffic veselo prúdil. …