Quickie: Delete unused files on ES3528_52M

In our network we have deployed dozens of EdgeCore ES3528M/ES3552M switches. However, after frequent upgrades and configuration changes, often happens that old config files, opcodes, boot-roms will remain int the flash memory and are no longer needed. Fortunately, since opcode version there is command available which deletes all inactive files from flash memory. Unfortunately, it lacks invocation of command via SNMP but surely it will be added over time.

          File name                        File type       Startup Size (byte)  
 -------------------------------------     --------------  ------- -----------  
          ES3528_52M_diag_V1.0.0.8.bix     Boot-Rom Image  Y          1382696   
          ES3528_52M_opcode_V1.4.4.0.bix   Operation Code  Y          4706820   
          opcode_v1.1.3.7.bix              Operation Code  N          3848904   
          Factory_Default_Config.cfg       Config File     N              455   
          snspsobm63.cfg                   Config File     N             6763   
          startup1.cfg                     Config File     Y             4721   
                                                  Total free space:   5111808   

We have several unused files in flash memory. So, we delete it.

Console#delete non-active                                                       
Are you sure to delete non-active file(s)? [Y]es/[N]o: y                        
 Unit 1:                                                                        
      Factory Default Configuration file couldn't be deleted.                   
      Success to delete [opcode_v1.1.3.7.bix]                                   
      Success to delete [snspsobm63.cfg]                                        

Done. Now we have just needed files in our flash memory.

          File name                        File type       Startup Size (byte)  
 -------------------------------------     --------------  ------- -----------  
          ES3528_52M_diag_V1.0.0.8.bix     Boot-Rom Image  Y          1382696   
          ES3528_52M_opcode_V1.4.4.0.bix   Operation Code  Y          4706820   
          Factory_Default_Config.cfg       Config File     N              455   
          startup1.cfg                     Config File     Y             4721   
                                                  Total free space:   9175040   

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